
class OpenMM::AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce

This class implements the Amoeba torsion-torsion interaction.

To use it, create an AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce() object then call addTorsionTorsion() once for each torsion-torsion. After a torsion-torsion has been added, you can modify its force field parameters by calling setTorsionTorsionParameters().


AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce() Create an AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce().
getNumTorsionTorsions() Get the number of torsion-torsion terms in the potential function
getNumTorsionTorsionGrids() Get the number of torsion-torsion grids
addTorsionTorsion() Add a torsion-torsion term to the force field.
getTorsionTorsionParameters() Get the force field parameters for a torsion-torsion term.
setTorsionTorsionParameters() Set the force field parameters for a torsion-torsion term.
getTorsionTorsionGrid() Get the torsion-torsion grid at the specified index
setTorsionTorsionGrid() Set the torsion-torsion grid at the specified index
usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions() Returns whether or not this force makes use of periodic boundary conditions.

Create an AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce().

int getNumTorsionTorsions(void) const

Get the number of torsion-torsion terms in the potential function

int getNumTorsionTorsionGrids(void) const

Get the number of torsion-torsion grids

int addTorsionTorsion(int particle1, int particle2, int particle3, int particle4, int particle5, int chiralCheckAtomIndex, int gridIndex)

Add a torsion-torsion term to the force field.

  • particle1 – the index of the first particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle2 – the index of the second particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle3 – the index of the third particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle4 – the index of the fourth particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle5 – the index of the fifth particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • chiralCheckAtomIndex – the index of the particle connected to particle3, but not particle2 or particle4 to be used in chirality check
  • gridIndex – the index to the grid to be used
Returns:the index of the torsion-torsion that was added
void getTorsionTorsionParameters(int index, int &particle1, int &particle2, int &particle3, int &particle4, int &particle5, int &chiralCheckAtomIndex, int &gridIndex) const

Get the force field parameters for a torsion-torsion term.

  • index – the index of the torsion-torsion for which to get parameters
  • particle1 – [out] the index of the first particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle2 – [out] the index of the second particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle3 – [out] the index of the third particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle4 – [out] the index of the fourth particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle5 – [out] the index of the fifth particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • chiralCheckAtomIndex – [out] the index of the particle connected to particle3, but not particle2 or particle4 to be used in chirality check
  • gridIndex – [out] the grid index
void setTorsionTorsionParameters(int index, int particle1, int particle2, int particle3, int particle4, int particle5, int chiralCheckAtomIndex, int gridIndex)

Set the force field parameters for a torsion-torsion term.

  • index – the index of the torsion-torsion for which to set parameters
  • particle1 – the index of the first particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle2 – the index of the second particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle3 – the index of the third particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle4 – the index of the fourth particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • particle5 – the index of the fifth particle connected by the torsion-torsion
  • chiralCheckAtomIndex – the index of the particle connected to particle3, but not particle2 or particle4 to be used in chirality check
  • gridIndex – the grid index
const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> &getTorsionTorsionGrid(int index) const

Get the torsion-torsion grid at the specified index

  • index – the grid index
Returns:grid return grid reference
void setTorsionTorsionGrid(int index, const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> &grid)

Set the torsion-torsion grid at the specified index

  • index – the index of the torsion-torsion for which to get parameters
  • grid – either 3 or 6 values may be specified per grid point. If the derivatives are omitted, they are calculated automatically by fitting a 2D spline to the energies. grid[x][y][0] = x value grid[x][y][1] = y value grid[x][y][2] = energy grid[x][y][3] = dEdx value grid[x][y][4] = dEdy value grid[x][y][5] = dEd(xy) value
bool usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions() const

Returns whether or not this force makes use of periodic boundary conditions.

Returns:true if nonbondedMethod uses PBC and false otherwise