
class, loadVelocities=None, loadBoxVectors=None)

AmberInpcrdFile parses an AMBER inpcrd file and loads the data stored in it.

__init__(file, loadVelocities=None, loadBoxVectors=None)

Load an inpcrd file.

An inpcrd file contains atom positions and, optionally, velocities and periodic box dimensions.

  • file (str) – The name of the file to load
  • loadVelocities (bool) – Deprecated. Velocities are loaded automatically if present
  • loadBoxVectors (bool) – Deprecated. Box vectors are loaded automatically if present


__init__(file[, loadVelocities, loadBoxVectors]) Load an inpcrd file.
getBoxVectors([asNumpy]) Get the periodic box vectors.
getPositions([asNumpy]) Get the atomic positions.
getVelocities([asNumpy]) Get the atomic velocities.

Get the atomic positions.

Parameters:asNumpy (bool=False) – if true, the values are returned as a numpy array instead of a list of Vec3s

Get the atomic velocities.

Parameters:asNumpy (bool=False) – if true, the vectors are returned as numpy arrays instead of Vec3s

Get the periodic box vectors.

Parameters:asNumpy (bool=False) – if true, the values are returned as a numpy array instead of a list of Vec3s