
class OpenMM::SerializationProxy

A SerializationProxy is an object that knows how to serialize and deserialize objects of a particular type. This is an abstract class. Subclasses implement the logic for serializing particular types of logic.

A global registry maintains the list of what SerializationProxy to use for each type of object. Call registerProxy() to register the proxy for a particular type. This is typically done at application startup or by a dynamic library’s initialization code.


SerializationProxy Create a new SerializationProxy.
getTypeName Get the name of the object type this proxy manipulates, as passed to the constructor.
serialize Subclasses implement this method to record information about an object being serialized.
deserialize Reconstruct an object from its serialized data.
SerializationProxy(const std::string &typeName)

Create a new SerializationProxy().

  • typeName – the name of the object type this proxy knows how to serialize. This name is stored in the output stream during serialization, and is used to select a proxy during deserialization. This typically is the class name, although that is not a requirement.
const std::string &getTypeName() const

Get the name of the object type this proxy manipulates, as passed to the constructor.

void serialize(const void *object, SerializationNode &node) const = 0

Subclasses implement this method to record information about an object being serialized.

  • object – a pointer to the object being serialized
  • node – all data to be serialized should be stored into this node, either directly as properties or indirectly by adding child nodes to it
void *deserialize(const SerializationNode &node) const = 0

Reconstruct an object from its serialized data.

Returns:a pointer to a new object created from the data. The caller assumes ownership of the object.
void registerProxy(const std::type_info &type, const SerializationProxy *proxy)

Register a SerializationProxy to be used for objects of a particular type.

  • type – the type_info for the object type
  • proxy – the proxy to use for objects of the specified type
const SerializationProxy &getProxy(const std::string &typeName)

Get the SerializationProxy to use for objects of a particular type, specified by name.

  • typeName – the name of the object type to get a proxy for
const SerializationProxy &getProxy(const std::type_info &type)

Get the SerializationProxy to use for objects of a particular type, specified by type_info.

  • type – the type_info of the object type to get a proxy for