

DesmondDMSFile parses a Desmond DMS (desmond molecular system) and constructs a topology and (optionally) an OpenMM System from it


Load a DMS file

Parameters:file (string) – the name of the file to load


__init__(file) Load a DMS file
close() Close the SQL connection
createSystem([nonbondedMethod, …]) Construct an OpenMM System representing the topology described by this DMS file
getPositions() Get the positions of each atom in the system
getProvenance() Get the provenance string of this system
getTopology() Get the topology of the system

Get the positions of each atom in the system


Get the topology of the system


Get the provenance string of this system

createSystem(nonbondedMethod=NoCutoff, nonbondedCutoff=Quantity(value=1.0, unit=nanometer), ewaldErrorTolerance=0.0005, removeCMMotion=True, hydrogenMass=None)

Construct an OpenMM System representing the topology described by this DMS file

  • nonbondedMethod (object=NoCutoff) – The method to use for nonbonded interactions. Allowed values are NoCutoff, CutoffNonPeriodic, CutoffPeriodic, Ewald, PME, or LJPME.
  • nonbondedCutoff (distance=1*nanometer) – The cutoff distance to use for nonbonded interactions
  • ewaldErrorTolerance (float=0.0005) – The error tolerance to use if nonbondedMethod is Ewald, PME, or LJPME.
  • removeCMMotion (boolean=True) – If true, a CMMotionRemover will be added to the System
  • hydrogenMass (mass=None) – The mass to use for hydrogen atoms bound to heavy atoms. Any mass added to a hydrogen is subtracted from the heavy atom to keep their total mass the same.

Close the SQL connection