
class, minValue, maxValue, biasWidth, periodic=False, gridWidth=None)

A collective variable that can be used to bias a simulation with metadynamics.

__init__(force, minValue, maxValue, biasWidth, periodic=False, gridWidth=None)

Create a BiasVariable.

  • force (Force) – the Force object whose potential energy defines the collective variable
  • minValue (float) – the minimum value the collective variable can take. If it should ever go below this, the bias force will be set to 0.
  • maxValue (float) – the maximum value the collective variable can take. If it should ever go above this, the bias force will be set to 0.
  • biasWidth (float) – the width (standard deviation) of the Gaussians added to the bias during metadynamics
  • periodic (bool) – whether this is a periodic variable, such that minValue and maxValue are physical equivalent
  • gridWidth (int) – the number of grid points to use when tabulating the bias function. If this is omitted, a reasonable value is chosen automatically.


__init__(force, minValue, maxValue, biasWidth) Create a BiasVariable.