
class OpenMM::TwoParticleAverageSite

This is a VirtualSite that computes the particle location as a weighted average of two other particle’s locations. Assuming the weights add up to 1, this means the virtual site is on the line passing through the two particles.



Create a new TwoParticleAverageSite virtual site.


Get the weight factor used for a particle this virtual site depends on.

TwoParticleAverageSite(int particle1, int particle2, double weight1, double weight2)

Create a new TwoParticleAverageSite() virtual site. Normally weight1 and weight2 should add up to 1, although this is not strictly required.


  • particle1 – the index of the first particle

  • particle2 – the index of the second particle

  • weight1 – the weight factor (between 0 and 1) for the first particle

  • weight2 – the weight factor (between 0 and 1) for the second particle

double getWeight(int particle) const

Get the weight factor used for a particle this virtual site depends on.



the weight factor used for that particle