
class simtk.openmm.openmm.SerializationProxy(*args, **kwargs)

A SerializationProxy is an object that knows how to serialize and deserialize objects of a particular type. This is an abstract class. Subclasses implement the logic for serializing particular types of logic.

A global registry maintains the list of what SerializationProxy to use for each type of object. Call registerProxy() to register the proxy for a particular type. This is typically done at application startup or by a dynamic library’s initialization code.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self.

deserialize(self, node)

Reconstruct an object from its serialized data.


getProxy(type) -> SerializationProxy Get the SerializationProxy to use for objects of a particular type, specified by type_info.


Get the name of the object type this proxy manipulates, as passed to the constructor.

registerProxy(type, proxy)

Register a SerializationProxy to be used for objects of a particular type.

serialize(self, object, node)

Subclasses implement this method to record information about an object being serialized.



The membership flag

property thisown

The membership flag

static registerProxy(type, proxy)

Register a SerializationProxy to be used for objects of a particular type.

  • type (type_info) – the type_info for the object type

  • proxy (SerializationProxy *) – the proxy to use for objects of the specified type

static getProxy(typeName) → SerializationProxy

getProxy(type) -> SerializationProxy Get the SerializationProxy to use for objects of a particular type, specified by type_info.


type (type_info) – the type_info of the object type to get a proxy for

getTypeName(self) → std::string const &

Get the name of the object type this proxy manipulates, as passed to the constructor.

serialize(self, object, node)

Subclasses implement this method to record information about an object being serialized.

  • object (void *) – a pointer to the object being serialized

  • node (SerializationNode) – all data to be serialized should be stored into this node, either directly as properties or indirectly by adding child nodes to it

deserialize(self, node) → void *

Reconstruct an object from its serialized data.


node (SerializationNode) – a SerializationNode containing the object’s description


a pointer to a new object created from the data. The caller assumes ownership of the object.

Return type

void *