
class simtk.unit.quantity.Quantity(value=None, unit=None)

Physical quantity, such as 1.3 meters per second.

Quantities contain both a value, such as 1.3; and a unit, such as ‘meters per second’.

Supported value types include:

1 - numbers (float, int, long) 2 - lists of numbers, e.g. [1,2,3] 3 - tuples of numbers, e.g. (1,2,3)

Note - unit conversions will cause tuples to be converted to lists

4 - lists of tuples of numbers, lists of lists of … etc. of numbers 5 - numpy.arrays

__init__(value=None, unit=None)

Create a new Quantity from a value and a unit.

  • value: (any type, usually a number) Measure of this quantity

  • unit: (Unit) the physical unit, e.g. simtk.unit.meters.


__init__([value, unit])

Create a new Quantity from a value and a unit.






Returns a new Quantity equal to this one, expressed in a particular unit system.


Returns an equal Quantity expressed in different units.


insert(index, item)

max(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the maximum value of the sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

mean(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the mean of a sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

min(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the minimum value of the sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.



Combine similar component units and scale, to form an equal Quantity in simpler units.


reshape(shape[, order])

Same as numpy.ndarray.reshape, except the result is a Quantity with the same units as the current object rather than a plain numpy.ndarray


Returns square root of a Quantity.

std(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the square root of the variance of a sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

sum(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the sum of a sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.


Returns underlying value, in the specified units.


Returns the underlying value type, after conversion to a particular unit system.


Shallow copy produces a new Quantity with the shallow copy of value and the same unit. Because we want copy operations to work just the same way they would on the underlying value.


Deep copy produces a new Quantity with a deep copy of the value, and the same unit. Because we want copy operations to work just the same way they would on the underlying value.


Delegate unrecognized attribute calls to the underlying value type.


Printable string version of this Quantity.

Returns a string consisting of quantity number followed by unit abbreviation.


Add two Quantities.

Only Quantities with the same dimensions (e.g. length) can be added. Raises TypeError otherwise.

  • self: left hand member of sum

  • other: right hand member of sum

Returns a new Quantity that is the sum of the two arguments.


Subtract two Quantities.

Only Quantities with the same dimensions (e.g. length) can be subtracted. Raises TypeError otherwise.

  • self: left hand member (a) of a - b.

  • other: right hand member (b) of a - b.

Returns a new Quantity that is the difference of the two arguments.


Combine similar component units and scale, to form an equal Quantity in simpler units.

Returns underlying value type if unit is dimensionless.


Multiply a quantity by another object

Returns a new Quantity that is the product of the self * other, unless the resulting unit is dimensionless, in which case the underlying value type is returned, instead of a Quantity.


Multiply a scalar by a Quantity

Returns a new Quantity with the same units as self, but with the value multiplied by other.


Divide a Quantity by another object

Returns a new Quantity, unless the resulting unit type is dimensionless, in which case the underlying value type is returned.


Divide a Quantity by another object

Returns a new Quantity, unless the resulting unit type is dimensionless, in which case the underlying value type is returned.


Divide a scalar by a quantity.

Returns a new Quantity. The resulting units are the inverse of the self argument units.


Divide a scalar by a quantity.

Returns a new Quantity. The resulting units are the inverse of the self argument units.


Raise a Quantity to a power.

Generally both the value and the unit of the Quantity are affected by this operation.

Returns a new Quantity equal to self**exponent.


Returns square root of a Quantity.

Raises ArithmeticError if component exponents are not even. This behavior can be changed if you present a reasonable real life case to me.

sum(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the sum of a sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

If the value is not iterable, it raises a TypeError (same behavior as if you tried to iterate over, for instance, an integer).

This function can take as arguments any arguments recognized by numpy.sum. If arguments are passed to a non-numpy array, a TypeError is raised

mean(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the mean of a sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

If the value is not iterable, it raises a TypeError

This function can take as arguments any arguments recognized by numpy.mean. If arguments are passed to a non-numpy array, a TypeError is raised

std(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the square root of the variance of a sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

If the value is not iterable, it raises a TypeError

This function can take as arguments any arguments recognized by numpy.std. If arguments are passed to a non-numpy array, a TypeError is raised

max(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the maximum value of the sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

If the value is not iterable, it raises a TypeError

This function can take as arguments any arguments recognized by numpy.max. If arguments are passed to a non-numpy array, a TypeError is raised

min(*args, **kwargs)

Computes the minimum value of the sequence, with the result having the same unit as the current sequence.

If the value is not iterable, it raises a TypeError

This function can take as arguments any arguments recognized by numpy.min. If arguments are passed to a non-numpy array, a TypeError is raised

reshape(shape, order='C')

Same as numpy.ndarray.reshape, except the result is a Quantity with the same units as the current object rather than a plain numpy.ndarray


Return absolute value of a Quantity.

The unit is unchanged. A negative value of self will result in a positive value in the result.


Returns a reference to self.


Negate a Quantity.

Returns a new Quantity with a different sign on the value.


Returns True if value underlying Quantity is zero, False otherwise.


Returns underlying value, in the specified units.


Returns the underlying value type, after conversion to a particular unit system.


Returns a new Quantity equal to this one, expressed in a particular unit system.


Returns an equal Quantity expressed in different units.

If the units are the same as those in self, a reference to self is returned. Raises a TypeError if the new unit is not compatible with the original unit.

The post_multiply argument is used in case the multiplication operation is not commutative.

i.e. result = factor * value when post_multiply is False and result = value * factor when post_multiply is True


Return size of internal value type.


Keep the same units on contained elements.