6. The OpenCL Platform

The OpenCL Platform is much more complicated than the reference Platform. It also provides many more tools to simplify your work, but those tools themselves can be complicated to use correctly. This chapter will attempt to explain how to use some of the most important ones. It will not teach you how to program with OpenCL. There are many tutorials on that subject available elsewhere, and this guide assumes you already understand it.

6.1. Overview

When using the OpenCL Platform, the “platform-specific data” stored in ContextImpl is of type OpenCLPlatform::PlatformData, which is declared in OpenCLPlatform.h. The most important field of this class is contexts , which is a vector of OpenCLContexts. (There is one OpenCLContext for each device you are using. The most common case is that you are running everything on a single device, in which case there will be only one OpenCLContext. Parallelizing computations across multiple devices is not discussed here.) The OpenCLContext stores most of the important information about a simulation: positions, velocities, forces, an OpenCL CommandQueue used for executing kernels, workspace buffers of various sorts, etc. It provides many useful methods for compiling and executing kernels, clearing and reducing buffers, and so on. It also provides access to three other important objects: the OpenCLIntegrationUtilities, OpenCLNonbondedUtilities, and OpenCLBondedUtilities. These are discussed below.

Allocation of device memory is generally done through the OpenCLArray class. It takes care of much of the work of memory management, and provides a simple interface for transferring data between host and device memory.

Every kernel is specific to a particular OpenCLContext, which in turn is specific to a particular OpenMM::Context. This means that kernel source code can be customized for a particular simulation. For example, values such as the number of particles can be turned into compile-time constants, and specific versions of kernels can be selected based on the device being used or on particular aspects of the system being simulated. OpenCLContext::createProgram() makes it easy to specify a list of preprocessor definitions to use when compiling a kernel.

The normal way to execute a kernel is by calling executeKernel() on the OpenCLContext. It allows you to specify the total number of work-items to execute, and optionally the size of each work-group. (If you do not specify a work-group size, it uses 64 as a default.) The number of work-groups to launch is selected automatically based on the work-group size, the total number of work-items, and the number of compute units in the device it will execute on.

6.2. Numerical Precision

The OpenCL platform supports three precision modes:

  1. Single: All values are stored in single precision, and nearly all calculations are done in single precision. The arrays of positions, velocities, forces, and energies (returned by the OpenCLContext’s getPosq(), getVelm(), getForce(), getForceBuffers(), and getEnergyBuffer() methods) are all of type float4 (or float in the case of getEnergyBuffer()).

  2. Mixed: Forces are computed and stored in single precision, but integration is done in double precision. The velocities have type double4. The positions are still stored in single precision to avoid adding overhead to the force calculations, but a second array of type float4 is created to store “corrections” to the positions (returned by the OpenCLContext’s getPosqCorrection() method). Adding the position and the correction together gives the full double precision position.

  3. Double: Positions, velocities, forces, and energies are all stored in double precision, and nearly all calculations are done in double precision.

You can call getUseMixedPrecision() and getUseDoublePrecision() on the OpenCLContext to determine which mode is being used. In addition, when you compile a kernel by calling createKernel(), it automatically defines two types for you to make it easier to write kernels that work in any mode:

  1. real is defined as float in single or mixed precision mode, double in double precision mode.

  2. mixed is defined as float in single precision mode, double in mixed or double precision mode.

It also defines vector versions of these types (real2, real4, etc.).

6.3. Computing Forces

When forces are computed, they can be stored in either of two places. There is an array of long values storing them as 64 bit fixed point values, and a collection of buffers of real4 values storing them in floating point format. Most GPUs support atomic operations on 64 bit integers, which allows many threads to simultaneously record forces without a danger of conflicts. Some low end GPUs do not support this, however, especially the embedded GPUs found in many laptops. These devices write to the floating point buffers, with careful coordination to make sure two threads will never write to the same memory location at the same time.

At the start of a force calculation, all forces in all buffers are set to zero. Each Force is then free to add its contributions to any or all of the buffers. Finally, the buffers are summed to produce the total force on each particle. The total is recorded in both the floating point and fixed point arrays.

The size of each floating point buffer is equal to the number of particles, rounded up to the next multiple of 32. Call getPaddedNumAtoms() on the OpenCLContext to get that number. The actual force buffers are obtained by calling getForceBuffers(). The first n entries (where n is the padded number of atoms) represent the first force buffer, the next n represent the second force buffer, and so on. More generally, the i’th force buffer’s contribution to the force on particle j is stored in element i*context.getPaddedNumAtoms()+j.

The fixed point buffer is ordered differently. For atom i, the x component of its force is stored in element i, the y component in element i+context.getPaddedNumAtoms(), and the z component in element i+2*context.getPaddedNumAtoms(). To convert a value from floating point to fixed point, multiply it by 0x100000000 (232), then cast it to a long. Call getLongForceBuffer() to get the array of fixed point values.

The potential energy is also accumulated in a set of buffers, but this one is simply a list of floating point values. All of them are set to zero at the start of a computation, and they are summed at the end of the computation to yield the total energy.

The OpenCL implementation of each Force object should define a subclass of ComputeForceInfo, and register an instance of it by calling addForce() on the OpenCLContext. It implements methods for determining whether particular particles or groups of particles are identical. This is important when reordering particles, and is discussed below.

6.4. Nonbonded Forces

Computing nonbonded interactions efficiently is a complicated business in the best of cases. It is even more complicated on a GPU. Furthermore, the algorithms must vary based on the type of processor being used, whether there is a distance cutoff, and whether periodic boundary conditions are being applied.

The OpenCLNonbondedUtilities class tries to simplify all of this. To use it you need provide only a piece of code to compute the interaction between two particles. It then takes responsibility for generating a neighbor list, looping over interacting particles, loading particle parameters from global memory, and writing the forces and energies to the appropriate buffers. All of these things are done using an algorithm appropriate to the processor you are running on and high level aspects of the interaction, such as whether it uses a cutoff and whether particular particle pairs need to be excluded.

Of course, this system relies on certain assumptions, the most important of which is that the Force can be represented as a sum of independent pairwise interactions. If that is not the case, things become much more complicated. You may still be able to use features of OpenCLNonbondedUtilities, but you cannot use the simple mechanism outlined above. That is beyond the scope of this guide.

To define a nonbonded interaction, call addInteraction() on the OpenCLNonbondedUtilities, providing a block of OpenCL source code for computing the interaction. This block of source code will be inserted into the middle of an appropriate kernel. At the point where it is inserted, various variables will have been defined describing the interaction to compute:

  1. atom1 and atom2 are the indices of the two interacting particles.

  2. r, r2, and invR are the distance r between the two particles, r2, and 1/r respectively.

  3. isExcluded is a bool specifying whether this pair of particles is marked as an excluded interaction. (Excluded pairs are not skipped automatically, because in some cases they still need to be processed, just differently from other pairs.)

  4. posq1 and posq2 are real4s containing the positions (in the xyz fields) and charges (in the w fields) of the two particles.

  5. Other per-particle parameters may be specified, as described below.

The following preprocessor macros will also have been defined:

  1. NUM_ATOMS is the total number of particles in the system.

  2. PADDED_NUM_ATOMS is the padded number of particles in the system.

  3. USE_CUTOFF is defined if and only if a cutoff is being used

  4. USE_PERIODIC is defined if and only if periodic boundary conditions are being used.

  5. CUTOFF and CUTOFF_SQUARED are the cutoff distance and its square respectively (but only defined if a cutoff is being used).

Finally, two output variables will have been defined:

  1. You should add the energy of the interaction to tempEnergy.

  2. You should add the derivative of the energy with respect to the inter-particle distance to dEdR.

You can also define arbitrary per-particle parameters by calling addParameter() on the OpenCLNonbondedUtilities. You provide an array in device memory containing the set of values, and the values for the two interacting particles will be loaded and stored into variables called <name>1 and <name>2, where <name> is the name you specify for the parameter. Note that nonbonded interactions are not computed until after calcForcesAndEnergy() has been called on every ForceImpl, so it is possible to make the parameter values change with time by modifying them inside calcForcesAndEnergy(). Also note that the length of the array containing the parameter values must equal the padded number of particles in the system.

Finally, you can specify arbitrary other memory objects that should be passed as arguments to the interaction kernel by calling addArgument(). The rest of the kernel ignores these arguments, but you can make use of them in your interaction code.

Consider a simple example. Suppose we want to implement a nonbonded interaction of the form E=k1k2r2, where k is a per-particle parameter. First we create a parameter as follows

nb.addParameter(ComputeParameterInfo(kparam, "kparam", "float", 1));

where nb is the OpenCLNonbondedUtilities for the context. Now we call addInteraction() to define an interaction with the following source code:

if (!isExcluded && r2 < CUTOFF_SQUARED) {
if (!isExcluded) {
    tempEnergy += kparam1*kparam2*r2;
    dEdR += 2*kparam1*kparam2*r;

An important point is that this code is executed for every pair of particles in the padded list of atoms. This means that some interactions involve padding atoms, and should not actually be included. You might think, then, that the above code is incorrect and we need another check to filter out the extra interactions:

if (atom1 < NUM_ATOMS && atom2 < NUM_ATOMS)

This is not necessary in our case, because the isExcluded flag is always set for interactions that involve a padding atom. If our force did not use excluded interactions (and so did not check isExcluded), then we would need to add this extra check. Self interactions are a similar case: we do not check for (atom1 == atom2) because the exclusion flag prevents them from being processed, but for some forces that check is necessary.

6.5. Bonded Forces

Just as OpenCLNonbondedUtilities simplifies the task of creating nonbonded interactions, OpenCLBondedUtilities simplifies the process for many types of bonded interactions. A “bonded interaction” means one that is applied to small, fixed groups of particles. This includes bonds, angles, torsions, etc. The important point is that the list of particles forming a “bond” is known in advance and does not change with time.

Using OpenCLBondedUtilities is very similar to the process described above. You provide a block of OpenCL code for evaluating a single interaction. This block of code will be inserted into the middle of a kernel that loops over all interactions and evaluates each one. At the point where it is inserted, the following variables will have been defined describing the interaction to compute:

  1. index is the index of the interaction being evaluated.

  2. atom1, atom2, … are the indices of the interacting particles.

  3. pos1, pos2, … are real4s containing the positions (in the xyz fields) of the interacting particles.

A variable called energy will have been defined for accumulating the total energy of all interactions. Your code should add the energy of the interaction to it. You also should define real4 variables called force1, force2, … and store the force on each atom into them.

As a simple example, the following source code implements a pairwise interaction of the form E=r2:

real4 delta = pos2-pos1;
energy += delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y + delta.z*delta.z;
real4 force1 = 2.0f*delta;
real4 force2 = -2.0f*delta;

To use it, call addInteraction() on the Context’s OpenCLBondedUtilities object. You also provide a list of the particles involved in every bonded interaction.

Exactly as with nonbonded interactions, you can call addArgument() to specify arbitrary memory objects that should be passed as arguments to the interaction kernel. These might contain per-bond parameters (use index to look up the appropriate element) or any other information you want.

6.6. Reordering of Particles

Nonbonded calculations are done a bit differently in the OpenCL Platform than in most CPU based codes. In particular, interactions are computed on blocks of 32 particles at a time (which is why the number of particles needs to be padded to bring it up to a multiple of 32), and the neighbor list actually lists pairs of blocks, not pairs of individual particles, that are close enough to interact with each other.

This only works well if sequential particles tend to be close together so that blocks are spatially compact. This is generally true of particles in a macromolecule, but it is not true for solvent molecules. Each water molecule, for example, can move independently of other water molecules, so particles that happen to be sequential in whatever order the molecules were defined in need not be spatially close together.

The OpenCL Platform addresses this by periodically reordering particles so that sequential particles are close together. This means that what the OpenCL Platform calls particle i need not be the same as what the System calls particle i.

This reordering is done frequently, so it must be very fast. If all the data structures describing the structure of the System and the Forces acting on it needed to be updated, that would make it prohibitively slow. The OpenCL Platform therefore only reorders particles in ways that do not alter any part of the System definition. In practice, this means exchanging entire molecules; as long as two molecules are truly identical, their positions and velocities can be exchanged without affecting the System in any way.

Every Force can contribute to defining the boundaries of molecules, and to determining whether two molecules are identical. This is done through the ComputeForceInfo it adds to the OpenCLContext. It can specify two types of information:

  1. Given a pair of particles, it can say whether those two particles are identical (as far as that Force is concerned). For example, a Force object implementing a Coulomb force would check whether the two particles had equal charges.

  2. It can define particle groups. The OpenCL Platform will ensure that all the particles in a group are part of the same molecule. It also can specify whether two groups are identical to each other. For example, in a Force implementing harmonic bonds, each group would consist of the two particles connected by a bond, and two groups would be identical if they had the same spring constants and equilibrium lengths.

6.7. Integration Utilities

The OpenCLContext’s OpenCLIntegrationUtilities provides features that are used by many integrators. The two most important are random number generation and constraint enforcement.

If you plan to use random numbers, you should call initRandomNumberGenerator() during initialization, specifying the random number seed to use. Be aware that there is only one random number generator, even if multiple classes make use of it. If two classes each call initRandomNumberGenerator() and request different seeds, an exception will be thrown. If they each request the same seed, the second call will simply be ignored.

For efficiency, random numbers are generated in bulk and stored in an array in device memory, which you can access by calling getRandom(). Each time you need to use a block of random numbers, call prepareRandomNumbers(), specifying how many values you need. It will register that many values as having been used, and return the index in the array at which you should start reading values. If not enough unused values remain in the array, it will generate a new batch of random values before returning.

To apply constraints, simply call applyConstraints(). For numerical accuracy, the constraint algorithms do not work on particle positions directly, but rather on the displacements taken by the most recent integration step. These displacements must be stored in an array which you can get by calling getPosDelta(). That is, the constraint algorithms assume the actual (unconstrained) position of each particle equals the position stored in the OpenCLContext plus the delta stored in the OpenCLIntegrationUtilities. It then modifies the deltas so that all distance constraints are satisfied. The integrator must then finish the time step by adding the deltas to the positions and storing them into the main position array.