¶ This is an
that can be used to implemented arbitrary, user defined integration algorithms. It is flexible enough to support a wide range of methods including both deterministic and stochastic integrators, Metropolized integrators, and integrators that must integrate additional quantities along with the particle positions and momenta.To create an integration algorithm, you first define a set of variables the integrator will compute. Variables come in two types:
. All variables are persistent between integration steps; once a value is set, it keeps that value until it is changed by the user or recomputed in a later integration step.Next, you define the algorithm as a series of computations. To execute a time step, the integrator performs the list of computations in order. Each computation updates the value of one global or per-DOF value. There are several types of computations that can be done:
- Global: You provide a mathematical expression involving only global variables. It is evaluated and stored into a global variable.
- Per-DOF: You provide a mathematical expression involving both global and per-DOF variables. It is evaluated once for every degree of freedom, and the values are stored into a per-DOF variable.
- Sum: You provide a mathematical expression involving both global and per-DOF variables. It is evaluated once for every degree of freedom. All of those values are then added together, and the sum is stored into a global variable.
- Constrain Positions: The particle positions are updated so that all distance constraints are satisfied.
- Constrain Velocities: The particle velocities are updated so the net velocity along any constrained distance is 0.
Like all integrators,
ignores any particle whose mass is 0. It is skipped when doing per-DOF computations, and is not included when computing sums over degrees of freedom.In addition to the variables you define by calling
, the integrator provides the following pre-defined variables:- dt: (global) This is the step size being used by the integrator.
- energy: (global, read-only) This is the current potential energy of the system.
- energy0, energy1, energy2, ...: (global, read-only) This is similar to energy, but includes only the contribution from forces in one force group. A single computation step may only depend on a single energy variable (energy, energy0, energy1, etc.).
- x: (per-DOF) This is the current value of the degree of freedom (the x, y, or z coordinate of a particle).
- v: (per-DOF) This is the current velocity associated with the degree of freedom (the x, y, or z component of a particle’s velocity).
- f: (per-DOF, read-only) This is the current force acting on the degree of freedom (the x, y, or z component of the force on a particle).
- f0, f1, f2, ...: (per-DOF, read-only) This is similar to f, but includes only the contribution from forces in one force group. A single computation step may only depend on a single force variable (f, f0, f1, etc.).
- m: (per-DOF, read-only) This is the mass of the particle the degree of freedom is associated with.
- uniform: (either global or per-DOF, read-only) This is a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1. Every time an expression is evaluated, a different value will be used. When used in a per-DOF expression, a different value will be used for every degree of freedom. Note, however, that if this variable appears multiple times in a single expression, the
- gaussian: (either global or per-DOF, read-only) This is a Gaussian distributed random number with mean 0 and variance 1. Every time an expression is evaluated, a different value will be used. When used in a per-DOF expression, a different value will be used for every degree of freedom. Note, however, that if this variable appears multiple times in a single expression, the
- A global variable is created for every adjustable parameter defined in the integrator’s
The following example uses a
to implement a velocity Verlet integrator:CustomIntegrator integrator(0.001); integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*dt*f/m"); integrator.addComputePerDof("x", "x+dt*v"); integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*dt*f/m");
The first step updates the velocities based on the current forces. The second step updates the positions based on the new velocities, and the third step updates the velocities again. Although the first and third steps look identical, the forces used in them are different. You do not need to tell the integrator that; it will recognize that the positions have changed and know to recompute the forces automatically.
The above example has two problems. First, it does not respect distance constraints. To make the integrator work with constraints, you need to add extra steps to tell it when and how to apply them. Second, it never gives Forces an opportunity to update the context state. This should be done every time step so that, for example, an
can randomize velocities or aMonteCarloBarostat
can scale particle positions. You need to add a step to tell the integrator when to do this. The following example corrects both these problems, using the RATTLE algorithm to apply constraints:CustomIntegrator integrator(0.001); integrator.addPerDofVariable("x1", 0); integrator.addUpdateContextState(); integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*dt*f/m"); integrator.addComputePerDof("x", "x+dt*v"); integrator.addComputePerDof("x1", "x"); integrator.addConstrainPositions(); integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*dt*f/m+(x-x1)/dt"); integrator.addConstrainVelocities();
can be used to implement multiple time step integrators. The following example shows an r-RESPA integrator. It assumes the quickly changing forces are in force group 0 and the slowly changing ones are in force group 1. It evaluates the “fast” forces four times as often as the “slow” forces.CustomIntegrator integrator(0.004); integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*dt*f1/m"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*(dt/4)*f0/m"); integrator.addComputePerDof("x", "x+(dt/4)*v"); integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*(dt/4)*f0/m"); } integrator.addComputePerDof("v", "v+0.5*dt*f1/m");
The sequence of computations in a
can include flow control in the form of “if” and “while” blocks. The computations inside an “if” block are executed either zero or one times, depending on whether a condition is true. The computations inside a “while” block are executed repeatedly for as long as the condition remains true. Be very careful when writing “while” blocks; there is nothing to stop you from creating an infinite loop!For example, suppose you are writing a Monte Carlo algorithm. Assume you have already computed a new set of particle coordinates “xnew” and a step acceptance probability “acceptanceProbability”. The following lines use an “if” block to decide whether to accept the step, and if it is accepted, store the new positions into “x”.
integrator.beginIfBlock("uniform < acceptanceProbability"); integrator.computePerDof("x", "xnew"); integrator.endBlock();
The condition in an “if” or “while” block is evaluated globally, so it may only involve global variables, not per-DOF ones. It may use any of the following comparison operators: =, <. >, !=, <=, >=. Blocks may be nested inside each other.
Another feature of
is that it can use derivatives of the potential energy with respect to context parameters. These derivatives are typically computed by custom forces, and are only computed if aForce
object has been specifically told to compute them by calling addEnergyParameterDerivative() on it.CustomIntegrator
provides a deriv() function for accessing these derivatives in global or per-DOF expressions. For example, “deriv(energy, lambda)” is the derivative of the total potentially energy with respect to the parameter lambda. You can also restrict it to a single force group by specifying a different variable for the first argument, such as “deriv(energy1, lambda)”.An
has one other job in addition to evolving the equations of motion: it defines how to compute the kinetic energy of the system. Depending on the integration method used, simply summing mvCall
to set an expression for the kinetic energy. It is computed for every degree of freedom (excluding ones whose mass is 0) and the result is summed. The default expression is “m*v*v/2”, which is correct for many integrators.As example, the following line defines the correct way to compute kinetic energy when using a leapfrog algorithm:
integrator.setKineticEnergyExpression("m*v1*v1/2; v1=v+0.5*dt*f/m");
The kinetic energy expression may depend on the following pre-defined variables: x, v, f, m, dt. It also may depend on user-defined global and per-DOF variables, and on the values of adjustable parameters defined in the integrator’s
. It mayExpressions may involve the operators + (add), - (subtract), * (multiply), / (divide), and ^ (power), and the following functions: sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos, sec, csc, tan, cot, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, erf, erfc, min, max, abs, floor, ceil, step, delta, select. All trigonometric functions are defined in radians, and log is the natural logarithm. step(x) = 0 if x is less than 0, 1 otherwise. delta(x) = 1 if x is 0, 0 otherwise. select(x,y,z) = z if x = 0, y otherwise. An expression may also involve intermediate quantities that are defined following the main expression, using ”;” as a separator.
In addition, you can call
to define a new function based on tabulated values. You specify the function by creating aTabulatedFunction
object. That function can then appear in expressions.Methods
Create a CustomIntegrator
Get the number of global variables that have been defined. getNumPerDofVariables
Get the number of per-DOF variables that have been defined. getNumComputations
Get the number of computation steps that have been added. addGlobalVariable
Define a new global variable. getGlobalVariableName
Get the name of a global variable. addPerDofVariable
Define a new per-DOF variable. getPerDofVariableName
Get the name of a per-DOF variable. getGlobalVariable
Get the current value of a global variable. getGlobalVariableByName
Get the current value of a global variable, specified by name. setGlobalVariable
Set the value of a global variable. setGlobalVariableByName
Set the value of a global variable, specified by name. getPerDofVariable
Get the value of a per-DOF variable. getPerDofVariableByName
Get the value of a per-DOF variable, specified by name. setPerDofVariable
Set the value of a per-DOF variable. setPerDofVariableByName
Set the value of a per-DOF variable, specified by name. addComputeGlobal
Add a step to the integration algorithm that computes a global value. addComputePerDof
Add a step to the integration algorithm that computes a per-DOF value. addComputeSum
Add a step to the integration algorithm that computes a sum over degrees of freedom. addConstrainPositions
Add a step to the integration algorithm that updates particle positions so all constraints are satisfied. addConstrainVelocities
Add a step to the integration algorithm that updates particle velocities so the net velocity along all constraints is 0. addUpdateContextState
Add a step to the integration algorithm that allows Forces to update the context state. beginIfBlock
Add a step which begins a new “if” block. beginWhileBlock
Add a step which begins a new “while” block. endBlock
Add a step which marks the end of the most recently begun “if” or “while” block. getComputationStep
Get the details of a computation step that has been added to the integration algorithm. getKineticEnergyExpression
Get the expression to use for computing the kinetic energy. setKineticEnergyExpression
Set the expression to use for computing the kinetic energy. getRandomNumberSeed
Get the random number seed. setRandomNumberSeed
Set the random number seed. step
Advance a simulation through time by taking a series of time steps. Enum: ComputationType
ComputeGlobal Compute an expression and store it in a global variable. ComputePerDof Compute an expression for every degree of freedom and store it in a per-DOF variable. ComputeSum Compute an expression for every degree of freedom, sum the values, and store the result in a global variable. ConstrainPositions Update particle positions so all constraints are satisfied. ConstrainVelocities Update particle velocities so the net velocity along all constraints is 0. UpdateContextState Allow Forces to update the context state. IfBlockStart Begin an “if” block. WhileBlockStart Begin a while” block. BlockEnd End an “if” or “while” block. -
(double stepSize)¶ Create a
.Parameters: - stepSize – the step size with which to integrate the system (in picoseconds)
() const¶ Get the number of global variables that have been defined.
() const¶ Get the number of per-DOF variables that have been defined.
() const¶ Get the number of computation steps that have been added.
() const¶ Get the number of tabulated functions that have been defined.
(const std::string &name, double initialValue)¶ Define a new global variable.
Parameters: - name – the name of the variable
- initialValue – the variable will initially be set to this value
Returns: the index of the variable that was added
const std::string &
(int index) const¶ Get the name of a global variable.
Parameters: - index – the index of the variable to get
Returns: the name of the variable
(const std::string &name, double initialValue)¶ Define a new per-DOF variable.
Parameters: - name – the name of the variable
- initialValue – the variable will initially be set to this value for all degrees of freedom
Returns: the index of the variable that was added
const std::string &
(int index) const¶ Get the name of a per-DOF variable.
Parameters: - index – the index of the variable to get
Returns: the name of the variable
(int index) const¶ Get the current value of a global variable.
Parameters: - index – the index of the variable to get
Returns: the current value of the variable
(const std::string &name) const¶ Get the current value of a global variable, specified by name.
Parameters: - name – the name of the variable to get
Returns: the current value of the parameter
(int index, double value)¶ Set the value of a global variable.
Parameters: - index – the index of the variable to set
- value – the new value of the variable
(const std::string &name, double value)¶ Set the value of a global variable, specified by name.
Parameters: - name – the name of the variable to set
- value – the new value of the variable
(int index, std::vector<Vec3> &values) const¶ Get the value of a per-DOF variable.
Parameters: - index – the index of the variable to get
- values – the values of the variable for all degrees of freedom are stored into this
(const std::string &name, std::vector<Vec3> &values) const¶ Get the value of a per-DOF variable, specified by name.
Parameters: - name – the name of the variable to get
- values – [out] the values of the variable for all degrees of freedom are stored into this
(int index, const std::vector<Vec3> &values)¶ Set the value of a per-DOF variable.
Parameters: - index – the index of the variable to set
- values – the new values of the variable for all degrees of freedom
(const std::string &name, const std::vector<Vec3> &values)¶ Set the value of a per-DOF variable, specified by name.
Parameters: - name – the name of the variable to set
- values – the new values of the variable for all degrees of freedom
(const std::string &variable, const std::string &expression)¶ Add a step to the integration algorithm that computes a global value.
Parameters: - variable – the global variable to store the computed value into
- expression – a mathematical expression involving only global variables. In each integration step, its value is computed and stored into the specified variable.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
(const std::string &variable, const std::string &expression)¶ Add a step to the integration algorithm that computes a per-DOF value.
Parameters: - variable – the per-DOF variable to store the computed value into
- expression – a mathematical expression involving both global and per-DOF variables. In each integration step, its value is computed for every degree of freedom and stored into the specified variable.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
(const std::string &variable, const std::string &expression)¶ Add a step to the integration algorithm that computes a sum over degrees of freedom.
Parameters: - variable – the global variable to store the computed value into
- expression – a mathematical expression involving both global and per-DOF variables. In each integration step, its value is computed for every degree of freedom. Those values are then added together, and the sum is stored in the specified variable.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
()¶ Add a step to the integration algorithm that updates particle positions so all constraints are satisfied.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
()¶ Add a step to the integration algorithm that updates particle velocities so the net velocity along all constraints is 0.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
()¶ Add a step to the integration algorithm that allows Forces to update the context state.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
(const std::string &condition)¶ Add a step which begins a new “if” block.
Parameters: - condition – a mathematical expression involving a comparison operator and global variables. All steps between this one and the end of the block are executed only if the condition is true.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
(const std::string &condition)¶ Add a step which begins a new “while” block.
Parameters: - condition – a mathematical expression involving a comparison operator and global variables. All steps between this one and the end of the block are executed repeatedly as long as the condition remains true.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
()¶ Add a step which marks the end of the most recently begun “if” or “while” block.
Returns: the index of the step that was added
(int index, ComputationType &type, std::string &variable, std::string &expression) const¶ Get the details of a computation step that has been added to the integration algorithm.
Parameters: - index – the index of the computation step to get
- type – [out] the type of computation this step performs
- variable – [out] the variable into which this step stores its result. If this step does not store a result in a variable, this will be an empty string.
- expression – [out] the expression this step evaluates. If this step does not evaluate an expression, this will be an empty string.
(const std::string &name, TabulatedFunction *function)¶ Add a tabulated function that may appear in expressions.
Parameters: - name – the name of the function as it appears in expressions
- function – a
object defining the function. TheTabulatedFunction
should have been created on the heap with the “new” operator. The integrator takes over ownership of it, and deletes it when the integrator itself is deleted.
Returns: the index of the function that was added
const TabulatedFunction &
(int index) const¶ Get a const reference to a tabulated function that may appear in expressions.
Parameters: - index – the index of the function to get
Returns: the TabulatedFunction
object defining the function
TabulatedFunction &
(int index)¶ Get a reference to a tabulated function that may appear in expressions.
Parameters: - index – the index of the function to get
Returns: the TabulatedFunction
object defining the function
const std::string &
(int index) const¶ Get the name of a tabulated function that may appear in expressions.
Parameters: - index – the index of the function to get
Returns: the name of the function as it appears in expressions
const std::string &
() const¶ Get the expression to use for computing the kinetic energy. The expression is evaluated for every degree of freedom. Those values are then added together, and the sum is reported as the current kinetic energy.
(const std::string &expression)¶ Set the expression to use for computing the kinetic energy. The expression is evaluated for every degree of freedom. Those values are then added together, and the sum is reported as the current kinetic energy.
() const¶ Get the random number seed. See
for details.
(int seed)¶ Set the random number seed. The precise meaning of this parameter is undefined, and is left up to each
to interpret in an appropriate way. It is guaranteed that if two simulations are run with different random number seeds, the sequence of random numbers will be different. On the other hand, no guarantees are made about the behavior of simulations that use the same seed. In particular, Platforms are permitted to use non-deterministic algorithms which produce different results on successive runs, even if those runs were initialized identically.If seed is set to 0 (which is the default value assigned), a unique seed is chosen when a
is created from thisForce
. This is done to ensure that eachContext
receives unique random seeds without you needing to set them explicitly.
(int steps)¶ Advance a simulation through time by taking a series of time steps.
Parameters: - steps – the number of time steps to take