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Context Class Reference

A Context stores the complete state of a simulation. More...

#include <Context.h>

Public Member Functions

 Context (const System &system, Integrator &integrator)
 Construct a new Context in which to run a simulation. More...
 Context (const System &system, Integrator &integrator, Platform &platform)
 Construct a new Context in which to run a simulation, explicitly specifying what Platform should be used to perform calculations. More...
 Context (const System &system, Integrator &integrator, Platform &platform, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &properties)
 Construct a new Context in which to run a simulation, explicitly specifying what Platform should be used to perform calculations and the values of platform-specific properties. More...
 ~Context ()
const SystemgetSystem () const
 Get System being simulated in this context. More...
const IntegratorgetIntegrator () const
 Get Integrator being used to by this context. More...
IntegratorgetIntegrator ()
 Get Integrator being used to by this context. More...
const PlatformgetPlatform () const
 Get the Platform being used for calculations. More...
PlatformgetPlatform ()
 Get the Platform being used for calculations. More...
State getState (int types, bool enforcePeriodicBox=false, int groups=0xFFFFFFFF) const
 Get a State object recording the current state information stored in this context. More...
void setState (const State &state)
 Copy information from a State object into this Context. More...
void setTime (double time)
 Set the current time of the simulation (in picoseconds). More...
void setPositions (const std::vector< Vec3 > &positions)
 Set the positions of all particles in the System (measured in nm). More...
void setVelocities (const std::vector< Vec3 > &velocities)
 Set the velocities of all particles in the System (measured in nm/picosecond). More...
void setVelocitiesToTemperature (double temperature, int randomSeed=osrngseed())
 Set the velocities of all particles in the System to random values chosen from a Boltzmann distribution at a given temperature. More...
double getParameter (const std::string &name) const
 Get the value of an adjustable parameter defined by a Force object in the System. More...
void setParameter (const std::string &name, double value)
 Set the value of an adjustable parameter defined by a Force object in the System. More...
void setPeriodicBoxVectors (const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b, const Vec3 &c)
 Set the vectors defining the axes of the periodic box (measured in nm). More...
void applyConstraints (double tol)
 Update the positions of particles so that all distance constraints are satisfied. More...
void applyVelocityConstraints (double tol)
 Update the velocities of particles so the net velocity of each constrained distance is zero. More...
void computeVirtualSites ()
 Recompute the locations of all virtual sites. More...
void reinitialize ()
 When a Context is created, it may cache information about the System being simulated and the Force objects contained in it. More...
void createCheckpoint (std::ostream &stream)
 Create a checkpoint recording the current state of the Context. More...
void loadCheckpoint (std::istream &stream)
 Load a checkpoint that was written by createCheckpoint(). More...
const std::vector< std::vector
< int > > & 
getMolecules () const
 Get a description of how the particles in the system are grouped into molecules. More...


class Force
class Platform

Detailed Description

A Context stores the complete state of a simulation.

More specifically, it includes:

  • The current time
  • The position of each particle
  • The velocity of each particle
  • The values of configurable parameters defined by Force objects in the System

You can retrieve a snapshot of the current state at any time by calling getState(). This allows you to record the state of the simulation at various points, either for analysis or for checkpointing. getState() can also be used to retrieve the current forces on each particle and the current energy of the System.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Context ( const System system,
Integrator integrator 

Construct a new Context in which to run a simulation.

systemthe System which will be simulated
integratorthe Integrator which will be used to simulate the System
Context ( const System system,
Integrator integrator,
Platform platform 

Construct a new Context in which to run a simulation, explicitly specifying what Platform should be used to perform calculations.

systemthe System which will be simulated
integratorthe Integrator which will be used to simulate the System
platformthe Platform to use for calculations
Context ( const System system,
Integrator integrator,
Platform platform,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  properties 

Construct a new Context in which to run a simulation, explicitly specifying what Platform should be used to perform calculations and the values of platform-specific properties.

systemthe System which will be simulated
integratorthe Integrator which will be used to simulate the System
platformthe Platform to use for calculations
propertiesa set of values for platform-specific properties. Keys are the property names.
~Context ( )

Member Function Documentation

void applyConstraints ( double  tol)

Update the positions of particles so that all distance constraints are satisfied.

This also recomputes the locations of all virtual sites.

tolthe distance tolerance within which constraints must be satisfied.
void applyVelocityConstraints ( double  tol)

Update the velocities of particles so the net velocity of each constrained distance is zero.

tolthe velocity tolerance within which constraints must be satisfied.
void computeVirtualSites ( )

Recompute the locations of all virtual sites.

There is rarely a reason to call this, since virtual sites are also updated by applyConstraints(). This is only for the rare situations when you want to enforce virtual sites but not constraints.

void createCheckpoint ( std::ostream &  stream)

Create a checkpoint recording the current state of the Context.

This should be treated as an opaque block of binary data. See loadCheckpoint() for more details.

streaman output stream the checkpoint data should be written to
const Integrator& getIntegrator ( ) const

Get Integrator being used to by this context.

Integrator& getIntegrator ( )

Get Integrator being used to by this context.

const std::vector<std::vector<int> >& getMolecules ( ) const

Get a description of how the particles in the system are grouped into molecules.

Two particles are in the same molecule if they are connected by constraints or bonds, where every Force object can define bonds in whatever way are appropriate to that force.

Each element lists the indices of all particles in a single molecule. Every particle is guaranteed to belong to exactly one molecule.

double getParameter ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the value of an adjustable parameter defined by a Force object in the System.

namethe name of the parameter to get
const Platform& getPlatform ( ) const

Get the Platform being used for calculations.

Platform& getPlatform ( )

Get the Platform being used for calculations.

State getState ( int  types,
bool  enforcePeriodicBox = false,
int  groups = 0xFFFFFFFF 
) const

Get a State object recording the current state information stored in this context.

typesthe set of data types which should be stored in the State object. This should be a union of DataType values, e.g. (State::Positions | State::Velocities).
enforcePeriodicBoxif false, the position of each particle will be whatever position is stored in the Context, regardless of periodic boundary conditions. If true, particle positions will be translated so the center of every molecule lies in the same periodic box.
groupsa set of bit flags for which force groups to include when computing forces and energies. Group i will be included if (groups&(1<<i)) != 0. The default value includes all groups.
const System& getSystem ( ) const

Get System being simulated in this context.

void loadCheckpoint ( std::istream &  stream)

Load a checkpoint that was written by createCheckpoint().

A checkpoint contains not only publicly visible data such as the particle positions and velocities, but also internal data such as the states of random number generators. Ideally, loading a checkpoint should restore the Context to an identical state to when it was written, such that continuing the simulation will produce an identical trajectory. This is not strictly guaranteed to be true, however, and should not be relied on. For most purposes, however, the internal state should be close enough to be reasonably considered equivalent.

A checkpoint contains data that is highly specific to the Context from which it was created. It depends on the details of the System, the Platform being used, and the hardware and software of the computer it was created on. If you try to load it on a computer with different hardware, or for a System that is different in any way, loading is likely to fail. Checkpoints created with different versions of OpenMM are also often incompatible. If a checkpoint cannot be loaded, that is signaled by throwing an exception.

streaman input stream the checkpoint data should be read from
void reinitialize ( )

When a Context is created, it may cache information about the System being simulated and the Force objects contained in it.

This means that, if the System or Forces are then modified, the Context might not see all of the changes. Call reinitialize() to force the Context to rebuild its internal representation of the System and pick up any changes that have been made.

This is an expensive operation, so you should try to avoid calling it too frequently.

void setParameter ( const std::string &  name,
double  value 

Set the value of an adjustable parameter defined by a Force object in the System.

namethe name of the parameter to set
valuethe value of the parameter
void setPeriodicBoxVectors ( const Vec3 a,
const Vec3 b,
const Vec3 c 

Set the vectors defining the axes of the periodic box (measured in nm).

They will affect any Force that uses periodic boundary conditions.

Triclinic boxes are supported, but the vectors must satisfy certain requirements. In particular, a must point in the x direction, b must point "mostly" in the y direction, and c must point "mostly" in the z direction. See the documentation for details.

athe vector defining the first edge of the periodic box
bthe vector defining the second edge of the periodic box
cthe vector defining the third edge of the periodic box
void setPositions ( const std::vector< Vec3 > &  positions)

Set the positions of all particles in the System (measured in nm).

This method simply sets the positions without checking to see whether they satisfy distance constraints. If you want constraints to be enforced, call applyConstraints() after setting the positions.

positionsa vector whose length equals the number of particles in the System. The i'th element contains the position of the i'th particle.
void setState ( const State state)

Copy information from a State object into this Context.

This restores the Context to approximately the same state it was in when the State was created. If the State does not include a piece of information (e.g. positions or velocities), that aspect of the Context is left unchanged.

Even when all possible information is included in the State, the effect of calling this method is still less complete than loadCheckpoint(). For example, it does not restore the internal states of random number generators. On the other hand, it has the advantage of not being hardware specific.

void setTime ( double  time)

Set the current time of the simulation (in picoseconds).

void setVelocities ( const std::vector< Vec3 > &  velocities)

Set the velocities of all particles in the System (measured in nm/picosecond).

velocitiesa vector whose length equals the number of particles in the System. The i'th element contains the velocity of the i'th particle.
void setVelocitiesToTemperature ( double  temperature,
int  randomSeed = osrngseed() 

Set the velocities of all particles in the System to random values chosen from a Boltzmann distribution at a given temperature.

temperaturethe temperature for which to select the velocities (measured in Kelvin)
randomSeedthe random number seed to use when selecting velocities

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Force
friend class Platform

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