Force objects apply forces to the particles in a System, or alter their behavior in other ways.
This is an abstract class. Subclasses define particular forces.
More specifically, a Force object can do any or all of the following:
Add a contribution to the force on each particle
Add a contribution to the potential energy of the System
Modify the positions and velocities of particles at the start of each time step
Define parameters which are stored in the Context and can be modified by the user
Change the values of parameters defined by other Force objects at the start of each time step
Forces may be organized into "force groups". This is used for multiple time step integration, and allows subsets of the Forces in a System to be evaluated at different times. By default, all Forces are in group 0. Call setForceGroup() to change this. Some Force subclasses may provide additional methods to further split their computations into multiple groups. Be aware that particular Platforms may place restrictions on the use of force groups, such as requiring all nonbonded forces to be in the same group.
virtual ForceImpl* createImpl |
( |
| ) |
const |
protectedpure virtual |
When a Context is created, it invokes this method on each Force in the System.
It should create a new ForceImpl object which can be used by the context for calculating forces. The ForceImpl will be deleted automatically when the Context is deleted.
Implemented in CustomGBForce, CustomNonbondedForce, CustomManyParticleForce, CustomHbondForce, NonbondedForce, AmoebaMultipoleForce, CustomCompoundBondForce, GBVIForce, MonteCarloMembraneBarostat, AmoebaVdwForce, CustomTorsionForce, CustomAngleForce, CustomBondForce, CustomExternalForce, GBSAOBCForce, MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostat, AmoebaInPlaneAngleForce, AmoebaAngleForce, AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce, AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForce, DrudeForce, CMAPTorsionForce, AmoebaBondForce, AmoebaTorsionTorsionForce, MonteCarloBarostat, AndersenThermostat, AmoebaWcaDispersionForce, AmoebaStretchBendForce, RBTorsionForce, RPMDMonteCarloBarostat, AmoebaPiTorsionForce, PeriodicTorsionForce, HarmonicAngleForce, HarmonicBondForce, and CMMotionRemover.