Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AmberInpcrdFileAmberInpcrdFile parses an AMBER inpcrd file and loads the data stored in it
AmberPrmtopFileAmberPrmtopFile parses an AMBER prmtop file and constructs a Topology and (optionally) an OpenMM System from it
AMDForceGroupIntegratorAMDForceGroupIntegrator implements a single boost aMD integration algorithm
AMDIntegratorAMDIntegrator implements the aMD integration algorithm
AmoebaAngleForceThis class implements an interaction between triplets of particles that varies with the angle between them
AmoebaBondForceThis class implements an interaction between pairs of particles that varies with the distance between them
AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForceThis class implements an implicit solvation force using the generalized Kirkwood/Grycuk model
AmoebaInPlaneAngleForceThis class implements an interaction at trigonal centers corresponding to the projected in-plane angle bend energy between four particles
AmoebaMultipoleForceThis class implements the Amoeba multipole interaction
AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForceThis class implements the Amoeba out-of-plane bend interaction
AmoebaPiTorsionForceThis class implements the Amoeba pi-torsion interaction
AmoebaStretchBendForceThis class implements the Amoeba stretch-bend interaction
AmoebaTorsionTorsionForceThis class implements the Amoeba torsion-torsion interaction
AmoebaVdwForceThis class implements a buffered 14-7 potential used to model van der Waals forces
AmoebaWcaDispersionForceThis class implements a nonbonded interaction between pairs of particles typically used along with AmoebaGeneralizedKirkwoodForce as part of an implicit solvent model
AndersenThermostatThis class uses the Andersen method to maintain constant temperature
AtomAn Atom object represents a residue within a Topology
BrownianIntegratorThis is an Integrator which simulates a System using Brownian dynamics
ChainA Chain object represents a chain within a Topology
CharmmCrdFileReads and parses a CHARMM coordinate file (.crd) into its components, namely the coordinates, CHARMM atom types, resid, resname, etc
CharmmParameterSetStores a parameter set defined by CHARMM files
CharmmPsfFileA chemical structure instantiated from CHARMM files
CharmmRstFileReads and parses data, velocities and coordinates from a CHARMM restart file (.rst) of file name 'fname' into class attributes
CheckpointReporterCheckpointReporter saves periodic checkpoints of a simulation
CMAPTorsionForceThis class implements an interaction between pairs of dihedral angles
CMMotionRemoverThis class prevents the center of mass of a System from drifting
CompoundIntegratorThis class allows you to use multiple integration algorithms within a single simulation, switching back and forth between them
ContextA Context stores the complete state of a simulation
Continuous1DFunctionThis is a TabulatedFunction that computes a continuous one dimensional function
Continuous2DFunctionThis is a TabulatedFunction that computes a continuous two dimensional function
Continuous3DFunctionThis is a TabulatedFunction that computes a continuous three dimensional function
CustomAngleForceThis class implements interactions between sets of three particles that depend on the angle between them
CustomBondForceThis class implements bonded interactions between pairs of particles
CustomCentroidBondForceThis class is similar to CustomCompoundBondForce, but instead of applying forces between individual particles, it applies them between the centers of groups of particles
CustomCompoundBondForceThis class supports a wide variety of bonded interactions
CustomExternalForceThis class implements an "external" force on particles
CustomGBForceThis class implements complex, multiple stage nonbonded interactions between particles
CustomHbondForceThis class supports a wide variety of energy functions used to represent hydrogen bonding
CustomIntegratorThis is an Integrator that can be used to implemented arbitrary, user defined integration algorithms
CustomManyParticleForceThis class supports a wide variety of nonbonded N-particle interactions, where N is user specified
CustomNonbondedForceThis class implements nonbonded interactions between particles
CustomTorsionForceThis class implements interactions between sets of four particles that depend on the torsion angle between them
DCDFileDCDFile provides methods for creating DCD files
DCDReporterDCDReporter outputs a series of frames from a Simulation to a DCD file
DesmondDMSFileDesmondDMSFile parses a Desmond DMS (desmond molecular system) and constructs a topology and (optionally) an OpenMM System from it
Discrete1DFunctionThis is a TabulatedFunction that computes a discrete one dimensional function f(x)
Discrete2DFunctionThis is a TabulatedFunction that computes a discrete two dimensional function f(x,y)
Discrete3DFunctionThis is a TabulatedFunction that computes a discrete three dimensional function f(x,y,z)
DrudeForceThis class implements forces that are specific to Drude oscillators
DrudeLangevinIntegratorThis Integrator simulates systems that include Drude particles
DrudeSCFIntegratorThis is a leap-frog Verlet Integrator that simulates systems with Drude particles
DualAMDIntegratorDualAMDIntegrator implements a dual boost aMD integration algorithm
ElementAn Element represents a chemical element
ForceForce objects apply forces to the particles in a System, or alter their behavior in other ways
ForceFieldA ForceField constructs OpenMM System objects based on a Topology
GBSAOBCForceThis class implements an implicit solvation force using the GBSA-OBC model
GromacsGroFileGromacsGroFile parses a Gromacs .gro file and constructs a set of atom positions from it
GromacsTopFileGromacsTopFile parses a Gromacs top file and constructs a Topology and (optionally) an OpenMM System from it
HarmonicAngleForceThis class implements an interaction between groups of three particles that varies harmonically with the angle between them
HarmonicBondForceThis class implements an interaction between pairs of particles that varies harmonically with the distance between them
IntegratorAn Integrator defines a method for simulating a System by integrating the equations of motion
LangevinIntegratorThis is an Integrator which simulates a System using Langevin dynamics
LocalCoordinatesSiteThis is a VirtualSite that uses the locations of three other particles to compute a local coordinate system, then places the virtual site at a fixed location in that coordinate system
LocalEnergyMinimizerGiven a Context, this class searches for a new set of particle positions that represent a local minimum of the potential energy
ModellerModeller provides tools for editing molecular models, such as adding water or missing hydrogens
MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostatThis class uses a Monte Carlo algorithm to adjust the size of the periodic box, simulating the effect of constant pressure
MonteCarloBarostatThis class uses a Monte Carlo algorithm to adjust the size of the periodic box, simulating the effect of constant pressure
MonteCarloMembraneBarostatThis is a Monte Carlo barostat designed specifically for membrane simulations
MTSIntegratorMTSIntegrator implements the rRESPA multiple time step integration algorithm
NonbondedForceThis class implements nonbonded interactions between particles, including a Coulomb force to represent electrostatics and a Lennard-Jones force to represent van der Waals interactions
OpenMMExceptionThis class is used for all exceptions thrown by OpenMM
OutOfPlaneSiteThis is a VirtualSite that computes the particle location based on three other particles' locations
PDBFilePDBFile parses a Protein Data Bank (PDB) file and constructs a Topology and a set of atom positions from it
PDBReporterPDBReporter outputs a series of frames from a Simulation to a PDB file
PDBxFilePDBxFile parses a PDBx/mmCIF file and constructs a Topology and a set of atom positions from it
PDBxReporterPDBxReporter outputs a series of frames from a Simulation to a PDBx/mmCIF file
PeriodicTorsionForceThis class implements an interaction between groups of four particles that varies periodically with the torsion angle between them
PlatformA Platform defines an implementation of all the kernels needed to perform some calculation
RBTorsionForceThis class implements an interaction between groups of four particles that varies with the torsion angle between them according to the Ryckaert-Bellemans potential
ResidueA Residue object represents a residue within a Topology
RPMDIntegratorThis is an Integrator which simulates a System using ring polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD)
RPMDMonteCarloBarostatThis class is very similar to MonteCarloBarostat, but it is specifically designed for use with RPMDIntegrator
SimulationSimulation provides a simplified API for running simulations with OpenMM and reporting results
StateA State object records a snapshot of the current state of a simulation at a point in time
StateDataReporterStateDataReporter outputs information about a simulation, such as energy and temperature, to a file
SystemThis class represents a molecular system
TabulatedFunctionA TabulatedFunction uses a set of tabulated values to define a mathematical function
ThreeParticleAverageSiteThis is a VirtualSite that computes the particle location as a weighted average of three other particle's locations
TopologyTopology stores the topological information about a system
TwoParticleAverageSiteThis is a VirtualSite that computes the particle location as a weighted average of two other particle's locations
VariableLangevinIntegratorThis is an error contolled, variable time step Integrator that simulates a System using Langevin dynamics
VariableVerletIntegratorThis is an error contolled, variable time step Integrator that simulates a System using the leap-frog Verlet algorithm
Vec3Vec3 is a 3-element tuple that supports many math operations
VerletIntegratorThis is an Integrator which simulates a System using the leap-frog Verlet algorithm
VirtualSiteA VirtualSite describes the rules for computing a particle's position based on other particles
XmlSerializerXmlSerializer is used for serializing objects as XML, and for reconstructing them again
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