DualAMDIntegrator Class Reference

DualAMDIntegrator implements a dual boost aMD integration algorithm. More...

Inherits CustomIntegrator.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Create a DualAMDIntegrator.
def getAlphaTotal
 Get the value of alpha for the total energy.
def setAlphaTotal
 Set the value of alpha for the total energy.
def getETotal
 Get the energy threshold E for the total energy.
def setETotal
 Set the energy threshold E for the total energy.
def getAlphaGroup
 Get the value of alpha for the boosted force group.
def setAlphaGroup
 Set the value of alpha for the boosted force group.
def getEGroup
 Get the energy threshold E for the boosted force group.
def setEGroup
 Set the energy threshold E for the boosted force group.
def getEffectiveEnergy
 Given the actual potential energy of the system, return the value of the effective potential.

Detailed Description

DualAMDIntegrator implements a dual boost aMD integration algorithm.

This is similar to AMDIntegrator, but two different boosts are applied to the potential: one based on the total energy, and one based on the energy of a single force group (typically representing torsions).

For details, see Hamelberg et al., J. Chem. Phys. 127, 155102 (2007).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self,

Create a DualAMDIntegrator.

dt(time) The integration time step to use
group(int) The force group to apply the second boost to
alphaTotal(energy) The alpha parameter to use for the total energy
ETotal(energy) The energy cutoff to use for the total energy
alphaGroup(energy) The alpha parameter to use for the boosted force group
EGroup(energy) The energy cutoff to use for the boosted force group

Member Function Documentation

def getAlphaGroup (   self)

Get the value of alpha for the boosted force group.

def getAlphaTotal (   self)

Get the value of alpha for the total energy.

def getEffectiveEnergy (   self,

Given the actual potential energy of the system, return the value of the effective potential.

totalEnergy(energy) the actual potential energy of the whole system
groupEnergy(energy) the actual potential energy of the boosted force group
(energy) the value of the effective potential
def getEGroup (   self)

Get the energy threshold E for the boosted force group.

def getETotal (   self)

Get the energy threshold E for the total energy.

def setAlphaGroup (   self,

Set the value of alpha for the boosted force group.

def setAlphaTotal (   self,

Set the value of alpha for the total energy.

def setEGroup (   self,

Set the energy threshold E for the boosted force group.

def setETotal (   self,

Set the energy threshold E for the total energy.

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